Wednesday, November 27, 2013


you know, really beat myself up for not being able to stay on track with the blog at certain times.  But, every now and then mistakes can work out in your favor.  For instance we are now on issue 10!  This one was definitely one of my favorite covers because it had the Shredder!!!

And today is the day that the micro series issue I did hits the stands.  And that issue is all about...  The Shredder!  Go check it out!

But for now here are some versions of the issue 10 cover.  you may notice that this color version is different from what was published.  This is my version, word from up top didn't want the creepy flashlight eyes and the scarf was a bit much.  So Ronda did an excellent fix for me.  and I know I'm being partial, but this version will always be my favorite.


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