This week and next week I'm exercising graphic design muscles on old work again so bear with me and enjoy the ride.
I had to do an assignment in school taking a "D" list comic character and doing an updated and hopefully more interesting version. Ultimately I used G.I. Robot.

In my updated version the robot didn't have artificial intelligence, it was an unmanned assault vehicle (UAV) piloted remotely by children. At the time I had been talking with friends about how video games are essentially training programs for this exact thing. The concept still interests me.

But in school I didn't have the time to work out the child and the scientists to an acceptable level, and honestly I was never to thrilled with the copy. Fast forward to now and I'm really interested in worn looking propaganda posters so I pulled copy from a similarly themed poster and covered the elements I didn't care for as interestingly as possible in illustrator. Then aged and distressed it in photoshop. In my head it's still a UAV but I didn't keep that element in the poster for some reason.

See you next week!